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Altri Eventi di Pneumologia

ESTI 2011 - Innovation and Education In Chest Radiology - Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging and The Fleischner Society


Data: Da giovedì 23/06/2011 a sabato 25/06/2011
Location: Heidelberg Germania


INTERPLAN Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG
Eva Burk, Katharina Heinke
Landsberger Straße 155
D-80687 Munich
Tel.: +49(89) 54 82 34-73 Fax: +49(89) 54 82 34-42


In 2011, the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and the Fleischner Society will hold a joint Educational and Scientifi c Meeting in Heidelberg, Germany, from Thursday, June 23, to Saturday, June 25.
The University of Heidelberg has been distinguished as a German elite University with an academic tradition of 625 years and is one of the leading universities worldwide. Numerous major national and international research institutions are based in Heidelberg and underline the importance of the "location" Heidelberg.
This joint ESTI / Fleischner meeting will offer the well-proven combination of basic systematic lectures on chest imaging and current scientific innovation both presented by world-renowned speakers.

Beyond this traditional track, we strive to achieve the following new goals by a multidisciplinary international faculty:

  •     Multidisciplinarity to also attract participants from respiratory medicine and oncology
  •     Parallel clinical and radiological sessions with experts from ESTI and the Fleischner Society as well as a dedicated session: ESTI meets the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
  •     Dedicated training Course in Chest radiology in German ("Fit für den Facharzt") supported by the German Radiological Society (DRG)
  •     Reinvigoration of ties between chest radiologists within Europe: ESTI meets the Italian “Sezione Radiologia toracica - Società Italiana Radiologia Medica (SIRM)”
  •     How-to-do Courses
  •     Read-with-the-expert
  •     "Population-based imaging": Update on CT within large epidemiological studies on lung cancer and COPD It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us for this exciting meeting in Heidelberg.